Activities and Grants

Feedback Survey: 

For any activity you participated in or facilitated, we would appreciate if you could fill out this survey The information is both for the COMMIT - NSF grant and for us to learn how the community is supporting you right now. Thanks :)


We've found that this prototype hub is already giving us interesting insight into everybody's work, expertise, resources, and interests -- including aspects we hadn't known before. We hope that it helps build and deepen the connections in our New England Community. Please sign up if you would like access (and are a member of NE-COMMIT).

Professional Learning Communities allow faculty from our region to collaborate on activities related to IBL. This could include Classroom Visits, Reading Groups, Content Planning Groups, etc.

In the NE-COMMIT / NE-IBLM coaching model an experienced IBL faculty member (the coach) is paired with a faculty fellow who is interested in advancing their use of IBL. The coach and fellow not only observe each other's teaching but actually co-teach, model teaching techniques to each other, and reflect together on a common teaching experience. 

HOPES  Helpers offering professional -emotional support

HOPES is a group of NE-COMMIT members who are willing to provide professional - emotional support to others in need. This work started at the NE-COMMIT conference in 2021 with the session “Let’s talk about it… Toxic Environments in Academia”. The overall goal of the session was  to bring to light how members have been marginalized in the past and present and to work toward a larger academic system that is a more supportive and nurturing work environment. Click here for more information.

Classroom Visits

Each semester, faculty are invited to share their schedule of IBL(ish) classes, so that we can visit and learn with each other.  You can add your classes to the list at  and see other people's entries at this link: 

If you are interested in visiting someone, reach out to them to connect and discuss details. 


Smaller regions inside the New-England region may want to start their own structure. The local ambassador is the connecting link between NE-COMMIT / NE-IBLM and the smaller region - including reaching out to other practitioners. The local activities could include PLCs, Classroom Visits, Coaching, Workshops, etc.

Boston Area: 

Mami Wentworth, Mel Henriksen (Wentworth Institute of Technology)

Prior support from an NSF grant, see details here: