Faculty Fellowship & Coaching 

Are you interested in teaching with IBL, but want more structure and/or guidance? Are you already teaching with IBL but looking to hone your skills? Maybe it’s not working as you envisioned and you could use some feedback? Then you might be interested in the NE-COMMIT Faculty Fellowship Program!

In our coaching model a more experienced IBL faculty member (the coach) is paired with a faculty fellow who is interested in advancing their use of IBL. In this model, the coach and fellow not only observe each other's teaching but actually co-teach, model teaching techniques to each other, and reflect together on a common teaching experience. We believe this model helps empower faculty to push past the number of barriers to moving one’s pedagogy toward IBL. 

The faculty fellow is provided a stipend of $500 (which should also cover travel expenses if travel is possible). 

The faculty fellow will most likely be partnered with a coach not at their own institution, that will ideally be a good match in terms of personality, experience, and teaching schedule. Usually we want the coach to  be within 1-2 hours drive but coaching could also happen remotely. The partnership lasts for at least one semester, during which the following activities will happen:

Questions?  Contact Chrissi  

Ready to apply?   https://forms.gle/wHm4hmnYrtSRRPws5 -- Application deadline: July 12, 2021.

Faculty Fellows Fall 2021 - Spring 2022:

Jane Lee

Stonehill College, MA

Ethan Farber

Boston College, MA

Daniel Mourad

University or Connecticut

Faculty Fellows Spring 2021:

Salma Tazi-Naim

Boston University, MA

Faculty Fellows Fall 2020:

Geillan Aly

University of Hartford, CT

Rebecca Mitchell

Pine Manor College, MA

Ming Yang

Westfield State University, MA

 Moshe Cohen

 SUNY New Paltz

Faculty Fellows Spring 2020:

Erin Rizzie

University of Connecticut

Meredith Watts

MassBay Community College

Terri Magnus

Rivier University, NH