Faculty Fellowship & Coaching
Are you interested in teaching with IBL, but want more structure and/or guidance? Are you already teaching with IBL but looking to hone your skills? Maybe it’s not working as you envisioned and you could use some feedback? Then you might be interested in the NE-COMMIT Faculty Fellowship Program!
In our coaching model a more experienced IBL faculty member (the coach) is paired with a faculty fellow who is interested in advancing their use of IBL. In this model, the coach and fellow not only observe each other's teaching but actually co-teach, model teaching techniques to each other, and reflect together on a common teaching experience. We believe this model helps empower faculty to push past the number of barriers to moving one’s pedagogy toward IBL.
The faculty fellow is provided a stipend of $500 (which should also cover travel expenses if travel is possible).
The faculty fellow will most likely be partnered with a coach not at their own institution, that will ideally be a good match in terms of personality, experience, and teaching schedule. Usually we want the coach to be within 1-2 hours drive but coaching could also happen remotely. The partnership lasts for at least one semester, during which the following activities will happen:
Initial virtual meeting with ALL coaches and fellows of Fall 2021 to set the stage for the coaching experience. This includes setting goals and talking expectations.
Initial meeting with the coach to create a plan, set times to meet, agree on a support structure (e.g. writing IBL notes needs different support than learning how to facilitate discussions on zoom),
2-3 virtual or in person visits -- each including a "pre-visit meeting" to discuss the focus points and agree on a plan (could be via e-mail), the "classroom visit" for a first-hand experience, and "post-visit meeting" to reflect on the experience and discuss the focus points,
A final reflection piece (look at our community blog for examples),
Collection of teaching artifacts (new IBLish lesson plans, new IBLish assessments, anonymous student work,…),
A virtual meeting in winter/spring with ALL coaches and fellows of the last 3 years to share our experiences, learn from each other, and improve the program.
Questions? Contact Chrissi
Ready to apply? https://forms.gle/wHm4hmnYrtSRRPws5 -- Application deadline: July 12, 2021.